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In which our nervous HIVer pays a big price for two little words we’ve all been tempted to say before sex: “I’m negative.”
How—and why—the government and top docs have shelved a potentially lifesaving HIV med
Despite a record 17,000 delegates from 160 countries (and a smattering of celebs), the 15th International AIDS Conference was light on...
More than half of all new HIVers are African American, but only a handful of top HIV docs are black.
Hey, HIVers: Don’t know if you should disclose before someone goes down on you? Consider:
Admirers thread among 8,000 new AIDS Memorial Quilt blocks blanketing the Ellipse—just south of the White House—on its June 25 debut.
On July 19, Guangzhou, China, introduced sex education to kindergartens and primary and middle schools to reduce teen pregnancies...
Top Seattle AIDS doc Stephen Tabet, MD, 42, died suddenly July 6 of an unknown illness.
When you feel like crap, do you play it up-or down? Summer’s over, but these HIVers aren’t throwing in the (beach) towel.
With deadlines for voter registration and absentee ballots in this year’s presidential election quickly approaching, POZ has launched an...
In the first-ever such clinical study, generic 3-in-1 HIV meds proved just as effective as their brand-name counterparts.
Pop cult hero John Cameron Mitchell inches into battle against HIV’s best bud: crystal meth
Elephants prancing on the logo of July’s International AIDS conference in Thailand trumpeted no big scientific breakthroughs.
The incidence of anal cancer among gay HIVer men hasn’t fallen significantly in the HAART era, a new study shows.
HIVers are living longer--but so are their chances of having something growing down there.
Grapefruit juice (GFJ to its friends), like all citrus, bursts with crucial nutrients like vitamins C and A, antioxidants and potassium.
Prostate-gland stimulation ups HIV levels in semen—even in HIVer men with undetectable blood viral levels, says a small study.
A short-winded take on two conditions that leave HIVers breathless
Flu season rears its sneezing, achy, feverish and just plain ugly head each fall, and HIVers consider rolling up their sleeves and fighting
With AIDS and liver disease from hepatitis B, I’ve been given only a few weeks to live—for the past two years.
Cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) cancer in HIVers have fallen by 39% since the dawn of HAART.
On fright night, Joe Westmoreland bunks with the Phantom of Sustiva.
I went to Howard University, and there are a lot of down-low brothers on that campus, as you discussed in “His Diff’rent World.”
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