The U.S.’ MTV network vowed to continue airing frank AIDS and condom messages—despite federal fines and abstinence zealots—at this summer’s World AIDS confab.
El Salvador’s National HIV/AIDS Program launched a July 17 campaign to help businesses educate employees about HIV transmission and eliminate prejudice against the nation’s 25,000 positive workers.
The government of Spain’s Roman Catholic Catalonia region installed condom vending machines in schools on June 4 after an HIV upsurge among young mothers.
On June 8, Zimbabwe’s Varichem Pharmaceuticals began making generic HIV meds for sub Saharan HIVers—one of the first such meds produced on the continent.
Egypt’s health minister announced July 7 that the government would give free AIDS meds to HIVers— yet claimed that only 650 HIVers exist in the country of 68 million.
On July 19, Guangzhou, China, introduced sex education to kindergartens and primary and middle schools to reduce teen pregnancies, premarital sex and HIV.