
POZ February-March 2003

POZ February-March 2003

In every issue, you’ll find the hottest topics of interest to our readers along with cutting-edge health information.

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The Love Cure

It’s right inside    

Inside the Issue

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Rapid Test Time

The new 20-minute HIV tests are being trumpeted as prevention’s much-needed magic bullet.

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Date Bait

We collected tips from POZ friends for those whose first date will be at least a threesome: you, the potential new honey and a pesky virus..

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Make It Last Forever

We asked some cozy couples, “What’s love got to do with it?” -- and how they make LOVE + HIV = 4-EVER.

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To Die For

The Hours may be the best AIDS movie ever. That’s high praise from Michael Musto, who howls when Hollywood does tragic PWAs.

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A Gallo Gotcha

In 1983, a big-deal federal researcher announced he’d discovered the retrovirus that causes AIDS.

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Pos & Neg

AIDS deaths in Cuba have decreased significantly in the past 18 months since the island began producing generic HAART and complementary...

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That ’70s Show

Long ago, in a TV decade far away, PBS aired the granddaddy of all reality shows -- An American Family.

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Tribute: Tom Fahey

The first time Fran Fahey saw her future husband, he was playing the role of the noble John Proctor in a college production of The Crucible.

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Alan Lee Morrison, MD, a leading psychiatrist for Philadelphia’s gay community, died of AIDS August 27, 2002.

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Human Rights Watch honored Meena Saraswathi Seshu, who transforms India’s women sex workers into AIDS educators.

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Heavy Medals

HIVer athletes remind the Gay Games of their positive founder’s golden vision

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Sign Of The Times

Sticking it to AIDS stigma on World AIDS Day, UNAIDS unveiled its yearlong “Live and Let Live” World AIDS Campaign to make the world a...

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Thief of HAARTs

Big pharma take the high road after black-market blowback of freebie meds            

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Shine Some Light

Sex-ed may be dying in schools, thanks to our abstinence-only prez, but you can still hear the word condom by tuning into quality TV...

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Hokey Pokey

Cluttering e-mail inboxes again last fall was an urban hoax stirred up back in 2000: HIV-infected needles attached to the underside of gas..

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AIDS Acts Axed

Congress adjourned in November just as the global AIDS bill, which would have boosted the U.S. contribution to the Global AIDS Fund from...

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Good China

In a timely turnaround, the globe’s most populous nation hit some HIV highs after decades of denial and a year in the hot seat.

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Copay Through The Nose

In the first of a series on getting the most from your health benefits, Benjamin Ryan talks up keeping down your med copays.

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Makers of sexual lube ended a 15-year controversy in October by agreeing to nix nonoxynol-9 (N-9) on the premise that, when it comes to...

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Sore Winner?

File this under “No Biggie for HIVers but Potential Badda-boom for their Sex Partners.”

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Blame Candida

Yeast infections are the common cold of vaginal vexations, but in HIV ladies, they can be more frequent and harder to treat.

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I Get Misty

Low platelet counts from liver disease give my husband, Vinny, nasty nosebleeds.

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Female Troubles

On the trail of women, meds and side effects with Anne-christine d’Adesky

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Fellow Travelers

On a van to Boston, Rob Phelps learns that gay or straight, we’re all on the same ride

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Reality Check

It’s not quite a one-horse town, but she still fears “coming out” with her HIV

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Congratulations on the excellent article on the president’s AIDS advisory council [“Dangerous Council,” November 2002].

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America’s Sweetheart

AIDS star since age 8, Hydeia Broadbent knows all about growing up in public. Now she’s 18 and old enough to thrive.


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