October is GLBT History Month. Endorsed by numerous GLBT-related organizations, the commemoration is currently coordinated by the Equality Forum. The first national march for GLBT equality was October 14, 1979. The second national march for GLBT equality was October 11, 1987. National Coming Out Day commemorates the second national march.

glbtmonth.jpgOne gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person or couple, either living or deceased, is highlighted each day of the month. There are five HIV-positive people this year being honored: Greg Louganis (Oct. 7), Cleve Jones (Oct. 11), Robert Mapplethorpe (Oct. 19), Randy Shilts (Oct. 25) and Bill T. Jones (Oct. 28). I?ll be writing separate posts for each of them throughout the month.

Here’s the complete list: Del Martin & Phyllis Lyon; Stephen Sondheim; Gianni Versace; Sheila Kuehl; Tennessee Williams; Alice Walker; Greg Louganis; Bertrand Delanoë; Margaret Mead; Mark Bingham; Cleve Jones; Jann Wenner; Harvey Fierstein; Margarethe Cammermeyer; Anthony Romero; Melissa Etheridge; Gene Robinson; John Waters; Robert Mapplethorpe; Georgina Beyer; Tony Kushner; Rosie O’Donnell; Philip Johnson; E. M. Forster; Randy Shilts; Allen Ginsberg; Troy Perry; Bill T. Jones; Andy Warhol; Rachel Carson; and Michelangelo.

Watch the Equality Forum’s promotional video for GLBT History Month: