Thanks for all the great comments about stigma.  I’ll be writing more on this topic over the next several weeks.

But right now, I’m asking for your help.  I have often heard about various county health departments--in Michigan, North Carolina, Mississippi, Florida and elsewhere--that require, encourage or coerce people with HIV to sign a form acknowledging that they were counseled (or other things) after they tested positive.  Sometimes this is immediately after one tests positive; other times it is later, on a return visit, or when they register to get healthcare services.

Some of these forms also reference the state’s HIV exposure statute and, possibly, the penalties for violating that statute.  The form may discourage people with HIV from getting pregnant (or impregnating anyone) or other types of restrictions (suggested or otherwise).  It may discuss disclosure issues and obligations.

If you know of anywhere that imposes such a form, please let me know.  Better yet, if you have such a form, maybe you could email or fax it to me.  This is for an important project, so please, if you know of a county that has such a form, or have a copy of one, please let me know.  Confidentiality guaranteed. 

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