7. Shop Smarter

Put your money where your mouth is. There are plenty of opportunities to spend smarter on all of your fashion and gift choices. Consider Bono and Bobby Shriver’s Project (RED), which famously donates a portion of its proceeds to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, or Mondo Guerra’s SEE eyewear boutiques, which help raise funds and awareness for amfAR, The American Foundation for AIDS Research. 

Wearing your support, whether in the form of a simple red ribbon or a “Silence = Death” pin on your jacket also helps normalize HIV/AIDS and bring the fight against the epidemic into the public consciousness on a regular basis. Think of wearing your advocacy as a potential conversation starter and as a way to help you identify with people who share your beliefs.

On the flip side, you can also make an effort not to spend your hard-earned cash on organizations known for suppressing LGBT rights, civil rights or promoting policies that may adversely affect at-risk communities. Skip the Chick fil-A sandwich, or avoid Hobby Lobby when shopping for your next crafting project. There are plenty of other organizations that need your money that won’t negatively impact the fight against the epidemic.

Click here to check out some more gift ideas that help raise money for HIV/AIDS-related causes.