Suncoast Hepatitis C Friends
Suncoast Hepatitis C Friends
Company Name:
Suncoast Hepatitis C Friends
3301 58th Ave., No. Lot#369, 33714
St Petersburg, FL
(727) 482-2920
Name: Randy Owen
Title: Founder
Company Description: A local support group in the Tampa Bay Area dedicated to improving the quality of life and disease outcome of those who suffer from viral hepaitits, their friends, and family.
Mission Statement: To be a source for people in the community to gather information about viral hepatitis and support through local agencies, health care providers, and contacts to services.
Year Established: 2009
Tax Status: non-profit
Organization Type: Community-based Organization
Services Provided: Hepatitis C Education, Hepatitis C Prevention Education, Peer/Group Support
Support Groups: Hepatitis C