Staten Island University Hospital
Staten Island University Hospital
Company Name:
Staten Island University Hospital
Bay Street Health Center HIV Clinic
57 Bay St.
Staten Island, NY
(718) 226-6700
Fax: (718) 226-6701
Name: Dr. Neville Mobarakai
Title: Clinic Director
Company Description: A comprehensive program for individuals infected or at risk of infection.
Mission Statement: To provide our community with the best possible quality care through continuous quality improvement efforts.
Year Established: 1861
Languages Spoken: Spanish
Tax Status: non-profit
Organization Type: Hospital
Services Provided: Acupuncture, Employment Assistance, HIV Case Management, HIV Education, HIV Prevention Education, HIV Testing, Mental Health Assistance, Substance Abuse, Counseling or Treatment
Conditions Served: sexually transmitted diseases
HIV Tests Offered: Confidential
Staff Types: Counselors, Doctors