Argus Community - ACCESS Program
Argus Community - ACCESS Program
Company Name:
Argus Community - ACCESS Program
760 E 160th St
Bronx, NY
(718) 401-5734
Fax: (718) 993-9662
Name: Brandon Barry
Title: Assistant Director
Phone: (718) 401-5734
Name: Mr. James Schiller
Title: Vice President, HIV Services
Phone: (718) 401-5733
Company Description: The Argus Community ACCESS Program is among the largest and longest NYSDOH approved Case Management (formerly COBRA TCM), Care Coordination and Care Management providers serving the Bronx, upper Manhattan and Brooklyn. For the past 20 years, the ACCESS program at Argus has been recognized as experts in case and care management by peers, participants (patients & clients), and the NYS DOH.
Mission Statement: To provide on-going and continuously improved methods of treatments and prevention that restore the lives of the many under-served New York City families, men, women, and adolescents who come through our doors each year.
Year Established: 1967
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Organization Type: Community-based Organization
Services Provided: AIDS Activism, AIDS Advocacy and/or Policy, Financial Assistance, Food Bank/Assistance, HIV Case Management, HIV Education, HIV Prevention Education, HIV Testing, HIV Treatment, Housing Services, Mental Health Assistance, Referral Services
Staff Types: Case Managers, Counselors, Educators
Support Groups: HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS - Newly Diagnosed