That’s the question posed by Merce co-creators, Charles Sanchez and Tyne Firmin. They took to the streets of NYC to find the answer, and the results are pretty funny. Watch the video below to see!

Charles and Tyne hope to create an uplifting, campy web series featuring a lead character with HIV played by an actor with HIV: Charles. Pretty cool concept, right?  I know this idea can work, because the bleeding disorders community has Stop the Bleeding by Patrick James Lynch.

Well, we can help make this happen for the HIV/AIDS community as well. Charles and Tyne are seeking funding for the project through the month of June, and any little bit helps.  Hell, throw a fundraising party where $3 at the door per person goes to the project.  Do something fun, because that’s what this web series hopes to provide- I for one would love to see Seinfeld with HIV.

Go to to help and learn more about the project.

Positively Yours,