There is a new version of iStayHealthy/Android available on Google Play. The new version was uploaded on 29 May. It addresses the following issues:
- in the Charts: Systole was renamed in Blood Pressure (the systole is the upper value).
- A bug fix when trying to add missed meds/side effects while no meds are stored.
- A bug fix regarding uploading iStayHealthy backup files to Dropbox
- In the results menu: by default, the ’undetectable’ button is OFF and the textfield is empty. If none of the two controls change, it is assumed that no value is available, and it will display n/a in the results list. This affects HIV and HepC viral loads.
- Side effects: when entering a new side effect, you can now enter your own description rather than choosing from a list (the list can still be used). Also, a med info button is provided
- Bug fix regarding the version ID not being displayed correctly.