The following was posted on the frontpage of The author of My Pet Virus is currently resting and writing blog entries in the third person.
Harry Potter outsells My Pet Virus: Shawn Devastated
“He’s not even real,” Decker stated, half-heartedly eating a grilled-cheese sandwich. “I figured I could outsell Harry, that it would be merely another obstacle I’ve overcome in my life. I wasn’t prepared for this.”
In one hour, Harry Potter sold 300,000 copies. That is over 10 times what My Pet Virus has sold since it’s publication last September.
“I’m not giving up. I didn’t give up against AIDS. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Once the novelty of riding on a broom wears off on the public, I’ll be there to surge ahead of Mr. Potter and his demonic friends.”
In happier times, Shawn made the following YouTube video featuring him and Gwenn doing their campuspeaking/media onslaught thing.
Magically Delicious,