I’ve been a longtime fan of journalist Larry Flick. Back the ’90s, I used to read his pop star profiles and his musings on the music industry in Billboard magazine. Later that decade, we worked together, sort of, when he contributed music reviews and interviews to HX magazine, where I was eventually the editor in chief. (Now defunct, HX was a weekly guide to gay New York. In a word: Legendary!)
In the here and now--or is it HEAR and now?--we can all listen to Larry and his amazing co-host Keith Price on Out Q, the gay channel of the SiriusXM satellite radio, where they host the Morning Jolt.
So I was beyond thrilled when Larry invited me to SiriusXM’s Midtown, Manhattan, studio to talk about the 2015 POZ 100 for World AIDS Day.
We covered a lot of contemporary HIV topics--Charlie Sheen, stigma, gay youth--and yet it feels like there’s SO much more to say. I hope to continue the conversation!
You can listen in to a recording of the show below.
And to meet the 2015 POZ 100, which honors long-term survivors, click here.