Yes, it’s that time again- another doctor’s appointment for me on Thursday, which means I’ll be getting blood drawn. Which means that I’ll be getting my t-cells checked. Which means it’s time for you to guess the results for a chance to win a prize...
Speaking of, the last winner didn’t claim their prize back in March, which was an iced mocha. That means the prize is back up for grabs this go around. I’ve kept it in my fridge since last time. It really needs a home in your belly... so good luck! Oh, if you can’t drink iced mochas I’ll spring for any beverage of your choice up to $5.
Here’s the Roll Call of Champions and last 4 t-cell counts:
March-July 2010: Charles Oliff (guess: 567 actual count: 565)
July-December 2010: Aimee Lee (guess: 516 actual: 511)
December 2010- March 2011: “Satan” (guess: 666 actual: 662)
March-Current Champion: Sharon Paul (guess: 520 actual: 508)
The anonymous guess of 666 by “Satan” is the only time the competition has been marred by controversy. The prize then was my Jesus hat, which made the whole ordeal a bit spooky. Stranger yet is that Satan didn’t show up last go around to put his hat in the ring, so to speak.
This time, I’m trying to return my t-cells to their late December glory of above 600. But I’ll settle for anything above 500. If you’re looking for insider info, I have a feeling they’ll be higher than last time, if the up and down trend continues. For those who follow the blog regularly and know that I’ve been on a week on/week off strategy for close to a decade now, I’ll let you know I’ll be mostly through a week on meds at the time the labs are drawn on Thursday.
I hope you vote! Be sure to read the Rules below, and good luck to you and me! Results will be posted mid next week.
Positively Yours,
Official Rules
1. You have to post your guess (between 400 and 700 t-cells) not here, but over on my Poz blog Comments section
2. Relatives are disqualified (only because that makes this seem official)
3. Closest guess wins- no Price is Right logic applies.
4. One vote/guess per person.
5. Deadline is Friday, July 15th, 2011 at 11:59 EST.