May is full of birthdays featuring beloved people in my life. Just this past Monday, I got to see my big brother and celebrate the day of his arrival.. it was 41 years ago that my parents welcomed him on Mother’s Day. This Monday, my best friend and partner, Gwenn, will be enjoying a birthday—I’ve been most privileged to be with her for the fifteen of those celebrations, and look forward to many more together.

Today’s birthday boy happens to be Sean Strub. I can’t effectively express what Sean has meant to me, both as a mentor and a friend. Had he not read my fan letter to Poz in 1996 and responded, who knows the path my positoid adventures would have taken? I’m grateful for his friendship and the guidance he’s offered over the years.

Happy Birthday, Sean. I love ya.

Positively Yours,

------Click here to order his incredible book, Body Counts.------