Hello! My name is Rachel Anne Moats, and I have been asked to become a regular blogger here on POZ.com. I am extremely honored and look forward to sharing my many life trials, tribulations and triumphs with all of you. I only hope I can come up with enough interesting stuff to talk about!
I was diagnosed HIV Positive on March 19, 2013. If you would like to read the story about the day I was diagnosed you may do so here.
Now to give you a little history about me; I am 31 years old and I grew up in tiny little Spring Hill, Kansas. I’ve lived in Northern California, Las Vegas and Puerto Rico. I currently reside in San Diego, CA, and have done so for the past five years. I absolutely love the weather here, but honestly I am not sure if I see myself living here for the rest of my life...
I work as a Peer Navigator at Christie’s Place. Christie’s Place is a nonprofit organization that helps women and families living with HIV/AIDS get linked to care, housing, social support, and mental health therapy among a plethora of other things. I love my job! I’ve only been here for four short months, but I knew as soon as I became Positive that I would do something to help make a difference for people living with HIV and AIDS. I also started my website WeAreHIV.org in December of 2013. My website started out as a place for me to share my story and to write about my personal experiences living with HIV, but it quickly morphed into a place where many others have shared their stories. WeAreHIV.org is the second greatest thing I’ve ever done. The first greatest thing being my daughter. Yes, I have an eleven-year-old daughter who is my whole heart and my reason for pushing through each and every day.
Last month marked my two year “anniversary” of living with HIV. It’s funny, when I think of two years it really doesn’t sound like a long time. But, let me tell you, these last two years have felt as though they have lasted an eternity. So much has changed. I think I am almost a completely different type of person than I used to be. Before I found out that I was Positive, I used to be a “free spirit,” a “wild child” if you will. Don’t get me wrong, I took life seriously -- just not as seriously as I do now. I feel like every decision I make is so very important and making the wrong decision is detrimental to my well-being. Whereas, I used to just kind of roll with the punches.
Recently, a wonderful, amazing and extremely talented friend of mine wrote a letter to me. I think this letter explains me well and may give you some insight as to who I used to be and who I am becoming. You can read her letter here.
Until next time, take care of yourselves!
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