Check out a very cool web site called Geek Crafts, which features links and comments on totally geektastic homemade items, like this little guy, Brad the Crochet Vampire.
I was honored to be interviewed by Renee for Geek Crafts, answering questions about what it’s like to speak about my personal/medical life at colleges, be a thinblood and why I decided a vampire book would be a good idea for a follow-up to My Pet Virus.
Could it be... the blood?
Also, a local magazine called Urge did a cover story on me and Gwenn. Click over if you want to read the story and check out a great new publication that focuses on all things artistic as they pertain to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Oh, and I’m the back-up quarterback for the Steelers if Big Ben goes down on Sunday. Wish me luck!
Positively Yours,