Garden Dispatch 2006-07-06
July 6, 2006
By Ann Smith
You caught me on one of ?those? days. I?m achy, tired, premenstrual and my brain is fogged in. I?ve realised today that I lied recently on the forum. I do think about HIV in relation to my own life. I just don?t call it by its name, I have ?one of those days?. I don?t stop and think, ?I feel like burnt, soggy toast today because I have HIV.? No, I just think, ?ouch? and ?whatsis?. That sums me up on a day like today. It?s not my memory as such. I don?t forget things so much as misplace them. It?s like the next word in my sentence just flew down the wrong neuron and lodged in my sinus. It will show up sooner or later. I think they take the scenic route.
Oh, and no, I don?t always get fogged in at the same time as I get achy. I must be having a two for one day. No, make that three for one. PMS. How could I forget that?
Yeah, so that?s it for today. If I?m going to post everyday, I?d be cheating if I glossed over days like today. It just is, ok?