On Sunday HIV/AIDS advocate and Survivor Africa Winner went home after 20 days in the hospital, undergoing a complete stem-cell transplant to eradicate cancer. 

Ethan spent the entire year of 2009 dealing with a cancer diagnosis, finally meeting his nemesis for a final showdown in a modern cocoon (the “Bubble”, family members and friends had to suit up in Leslie Nielsen “Naked Gun” condom outfits to visit his room).  Even though he was at his weakest, the will to compete that inspired him to win Survivor and partake in the Eco-Challenge had not be quelled.  Not only was he taunting cancer with insults, while undergoing the intensive 30-day process, he managed to set the record for most urine collected in a 24-hour period at the hospital; 13.5 liters. (Previous record was 10.4, respectively.)

 He also got out ten days ahead of schedule.

Part of the stem-cell process meant rendering Ethan’s immune system obsolete- he literally welcomed New Year’s Eve with no immune system.  Here’s a full article from Tonic.com which explains more about what Ethan has been through, and the fact that 2010 looks to be a much brighter, healthier year for someone who is a great guy and one of the community’s staunchest advocates. 

Welcome home, Ethan!

Positively Yours,
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