The mission of AIDS United is to end the HIV epidemic in the United States. We cannot achieve that without prioritizing the health and well-being of Black people.
As HIV advocates, it is our responsibility to speak out against police brutality and institutional racism. As an organization, AIDS United pledges to continue placing racial justice at the core of everything we do and to work with other community-based organizations and HIV advocates to fight back against racist violence, racist systems and racist health disparities. There is nothing specific about Black bodies that are more susceptible to HIV, and yet nearly half of new HIV diagnoses in the United States are among Black people.
If you or your organization is looking to support or learn from those who are actively impacting HIV rates in Black communities, here’s a list of eight organizations who are doing amazing work:
Black Women’s Health Imperative — Washington, D.C.
The Black Women’s Health Imperative focuses specifically on the health and wellness disparities faced by Black women and girls. Created by Black women for the needs of their communities, Black Women’s Health Imperative provides educational networks focused on the prevention of HIV for cisgender and transgender Black women. To learn more about Black Women’s Health Imperative, click here.
Black AIDS Institute — Los Angeles, CA
Black AIDS Institute is a Black led and powered think tank focused on ending the HIV epidemic in Black communities through partnering with organizations to provide health care, outreach and other services to those impacted or living with HIV. To learn more about the work Black AIDS Institute is doing, click here.
SisterLove — Atlanta, GA and Johannasburg, South Africa
SisterLove focuses on the health of Black women and works to end the HIV epidemic through HIV prevention education, community health outreach, healthy love workshops, as well as through policy and advocacy. To learn more about SisterLove’s programs, click here.
Us Helping Us, People Into Living — Washington, D.C. and Landover, MD
Us Helping Us, People Into Living works to improve health outcomes for communities for color through community education, case management, interventions, as well as training in order to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on the Black community. To learn more about Us Helping Us, People Into Living or to be connected with their services, click here.
BLAQ OUT — Kansas City, MI
BLAQ OUT works with advocates, activists and health care professionals to uplift the needs of Black MSM by working within the community to tackle social determinants of health. To get involved with BLAQ OUT or to learn more, click here.
Thrive SS — Atlanta, GA
THRIVE SS is an organization focused destigmatizing HIV for Black people living in Atlanta and works to end the epidemic through services such as online support, in-person support, condom distribution as well as medical and linkage referral services. To learn more about Thrive SS or be connected to their online services, click here.
The Counter Narrative — Atlanta, GA
The Counter Narrative Project works to empower Black lives and their health through advocacy for PREP access and education as well as through harm reduction services. Additionally, The Counter Narrative provides services to the community through webinars and training around political education in order to create social change. To learn more about The Counter Narrative’s work, click here.
National Black Justice Coalition — Washington, D.C.
The National Black Justice Coalition targets a variety of issue impacting those living with HIV/AIDS and encourages the community to take action on issues that positively impact black communities such as filing out the census or fighting for black transgender justice. Learn more about the National Black Justice Coalition by clicking this link.