In the wake of this week’s defeat in the special election California’s Governor Schwartzeneger, or as many like him the Governator, has proposed cutting all general fund money for AIDS—meaning massive cut back in prevention, early intervention programs, and ADAP. It would also likely threaten some Federal money—Ryan White—which is tied to certain state funding requirements. 

The state of California has long been a leader in the response against HIV/AIDS—but that is now threatened. Have no doubt, this will be fought tooth and nail. That fight will take place in the larger environment of cutbacks to schools, infrastructure and other vital services. 

One quick thought Arnie: let’s get on the ball with you ’conversation’ about legalizing, regulating and taxing cannabis. In general I am not a pro-tax and regulate type, but the fact that my state is contemplating gutting one of the nation’s most successful AIDS offices while failing to tax it’s largest cash crop is plain idiocy. 

I am not arguing that this simple act will solve California myriad financial woes. The wreckage of our collective past will take some time to undo. But it is a simple measure that would help the budget, free the cops to do something else, take organized crime out of the equation and decriminalize a choice of many Californians.

In any case, the fight is on- and it is good to know we have fighters like Project Inform’s Anne Donnelley in our corner. 

