I write a lot of ridiculous things on here, but it’s only to keep myself motivated and you as the reader engaged.  Either way, it’s incredible that anyone would want me to be an Ambassador for them! Which is yet another reason why the grant-giving, pro-HIV education MTV Staying Alive Foundation is so friggin’ cool.

Read their announcement here

As an Ambassador for Staying Alive, I’m joining the ranks of The Gym Class Heroes’ Travis McCoy and Kelly Rowland, two famous musicians who have lent their names, time and influence to get people to care about HIV and AIDS.  Synthetic Division, of course, is the last thing I’m known for- if anything I’m known for having HIV!  So I’m happy to join the team as a lesser-known face, but one that can contribute to the team nonetheless.

Gwenn and I came in contact with the MTV Staying Alive gang in 2000, when they were primarily doing  HIV/AIDS awareness programming; about four years before the Foundation was created.  They wanted to put into action the interest generated by their media campaigns and the passion of the people whom they met through their travels to document the realities of HIV, understanding that in a lot of countries, a little money can go a long way to improving and saving lives.

Here’s the MTV Staying Alive 2 program that Gwenn and I appeared on in 2000.  I was about to begin my second set of HIV medications.  Gwenn and I had been living together for about a year, and we were really having to focus on getting my health back on track.

Staying Alive 2 from mtv staying alive on Vimeo.

I’m honored to be a part of the Staying Alive team, who are also lending a hand in helping to promote the upcoming tour... which begins in less than a week!  Ten years ago I couldn’t have dreamed of the energy it would take to go on a two-week tour- now I can’t wait for it to start. What a difference a decade makes, right? 

Staying alive, indeed.

Positively Yours,

Shawn on:    Shawn’s Sick Days in 2010: 8  Shawn’s book    Decker’s Daily Coffee

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