Tomorrow, June 7, 2008, will mark the fifteenth anniversary of the day that the artist presently known as Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable glyph. More significantly (!) it will mark the six month that I?ve been blogging here on Poz/ In those six months, I?ve ranted about right-wing republicans, polemicized about sex-crazed politicians, vented about vampires, blustered on about disclosure and the law, and subjected you to my grim prognosis for mankind in general. It?s been a lot of fun for me, and I hope you?ve enjoyed reading it.

Some of you may have noticed that I haven?t been writing as frequently lately. There are good reasons for that, not the least of which is that I?ve been busy. Between working my day job and trying to Cupcake and Ginger from tearing up the place with their incessant squabbling, I just haven’t had the time. Mea Culpa.

Over the next few months, as time permits, rest assured that I?ll be here, making my contributions, as it were, to the great Blog Smog. They may not always be pretty, and I will undoubtedly offend a few folks, but I?ll do my best...