Last night I played a Synthetic Division show, and me and my friend Marshall performed as The Eurythmics. I was Dave, and he was Annie, even though I was singing. (Marshall made for a much better Annie Lennox, pictures forthcoming.)
After soundcheck and before the gig, I went to a friends’ Halloween party. Gwenn was Little Dead Riding hood, her neck slashed with gaping wounds. I went to the bathroom and got my Dave Stewart outfit together. When I came downstairs, one of the hosts, Kristie (Princess Leia), was laughing.
Without Annie Lennox by my side, I looked like someone else. “Dick in a box!” She was about to snap a photo, but I started running around, had to find a box. Britney Spears stepped in for the photo.Then it was off to rock the stage. I hopped and jumped around like a maniac. And, now, I’m limping. But I’ll be fine by the time I’m off to Orlando later in the week for the National Hemophilia Foundation’s Annual Meeting, where I’ll reunited with my thinblooded brothers and sisters.
It’s always a bloody good time!
Positively Yours,