I’m so grateful for this GiveForward Life Fund on my behalf. At the end of the day, people don’t have to do anything for you. The fact that at least 59 people thought it not robbery to donate has touched my heart in so many ways. The comments have been equally overwhelming. All I can say is thank you so very very much.

To date, we have had 59 donations and have reached 18% of the goal that Dwana set for the campaign. I know that many more people have said to me that they plan to give. Well, today we start the 50 day count down. It does not matter how much you give because $5.00 adds up at the end of the count!

 I have this overwhelming gratitude just knowing that I will be able to start the new year off with some of my back pills paid up. My stoarge is so behind, I’m embaarrassed, yet thankful that the manger has given me this latitude and not sold my things.

God always makes a way even when you can’t see your way; even from the most unlikey soruce in, the most unlikey way. That’s how I feel about this GiveForwad Life Fund. I didn’t even know that this project exsisted until Dwana had already set it up, then sent me the link to ask if it was ok. I love her! She’s always looking for ways to make life better for me and to help me build my brand.  Thank You Dwana! And Thanks to everyone who has given. I’m touched by your kindness

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