This Sunday, July 19th, an estimated 20,000 people will participate in the 29th annual AIDS Walk San Francisco, which has over $84 million since launch for local HIV service organizations in Northern California’s Largest AIDS Fundraiser. 
Here are 5 Things to Love About AIDS Walk San Francisco
#1: AIDS Walk SF benefits more than one organization.  
According to their media advisory released a few days ago, AWSF raises money for Project Recovery, plus 42 other HIV/AIDS service organizations across the Bay Area. 
Dana Van Gorder, Executive Director of Project Inform, the event’s lead beneficiary says, "The funds raised for the Walk will directly benefit thousands of Bay Area residents living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS and bring us ever closer to ending this epidemic."

#2: AIDS Walk SF knows how to engage smart and cool big sponsors. 

This year, one of the premier sponsors, Quest Diagnostics, is actually doing a scavenger hunt during the walk. So, usually, when I have been at other walks raising money and awareness for HIV/AIDS, like the Nashville AIDS Walk, all I literally did was walk the required miles. Sure that is enough, but how cool would a scavenger hunt be during the actual walk? Quest Diagnostics is doing exactly that. And not just that-- they are doing body painting and a dedication station as well. Visit the page on my HIV blog about AIDS Walk SF & Quest Diagnostics for more information about their scavenger hunt: http://www.imstilljosh.com/quest-diagnostics-sponsor-for-2015-aids-walk-sf/

#3: AIDS Walk SF harnesses the power of influencers and building news-worthy coverage. 

Press information names Nick Wechsler (ABC’s “Revenge”), Dan Ashley (ABC-7 News), Bruce Vilanch (Emmy Award-winning comedy writer), and more as available for day-of press and media coverage.  The event is expected to be attended by politicians as well, including one of my personal favorite: United States Congresswoman Barbara Lee.  Craig R. Miller, AIDS Walk Founder, is also expected to attend. 

#4: AIDS Walk SF brings back: “You’ve Got This” Video Booth by Healthline,

Healthline is another sponsor of AIDS Walk SF and last year they brought their online video project, “You’ve Got This” to the walk to record live testimonials and videos offering hope and encouragement.  There are some great videos from last year you can check out here:  http://www.healthline.com/health/hiv-aids/youve-got-this

I’m looking forward to watching these videos again this year.  Great job, Healthline! 

#5: AIDS Walk SF is just cool and relevant! 

I’m a nut of cool marketing and really love videos!  Have you seen this PSA by Jesse Tyler Ferguson from last years AIDS Walk?  

What other fundraising events do you LOVE in other parts of the country?  I want to know about them and support them!!!  
Cheers to AIDS Walk SF! 
Be sure to check out my HIV Blog.