11:21 pm, December 31: Shawn cuddles up on couch with Gwenn. Both are lying down, watching Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin.

11:53 pm: Shawn doses off...

12:03 am: Shawn wakes up, sees a lot of confetti blowing around on TV.

12:06 am: Shawn craddles Gwenn, and says, “You know, we haven’t made love all year...”

Sex does not ensue, but the first joke of the year 2009 happens, and goes over well. On the first day of 2009, after I woke up and tackled the day, I walked around with my zipper down for about 3 hours: an auspicious debut that screams, “Look out New Year- I am positoid, hear me roar!”

My resolution? Better jokes with a better domestic sex/reward rate. Oh, and more blogs, more videos, new Synthetic Division songs and the completion of my second book.

But I’ll settle for nookie.



PS... below is a clip from the Anderson Cooper/Kathy Griffin New Year’s Eve special. Please escort the children from the room before enjoying.

PPS... thanks for reading this blog, and here’s to having a safe and happy new year!