Let’s face it—we’re all growing older. But thanks to advances in treatment, people with HIV are living longer than ever. That’s the good news. The bad news is that HIV and its medications can increase the risk of certain health conditions including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. POZ recently asked you how you are aging with HIV. Here are your responses:
How is your physical health?
22% - Excellent
55% - God
21% - Fair
2% - Poor
How is your mental health?
23% - Excellent
48% - Good
23% - Fair
6% - Poor
Do you have an undetectable viral load?
88% - Yes
12% - No
Do you take prescription meds for anything other than HIV?
72% - Yes
28% - No
Do you have a living will or designated health proxy?
48% - Yes
52% - No
Do you have an IRA or other retirement plan?
44% - Yes
56% - No
How many of you have been screened/tested for other diseases?
68% liver disease
67% diabetes
61% depression
60% kidney disease
56% cardiovascular disease
37% skin cancer
29% osteoporosis
Source: March 2013 POZ Survey