If you’re a smoker, you’ve heard it all before: Cigarettes raise your risk for all kinds of cancer and heart disease, along with lung ailments and even some infections. Now a smoke-ending strategy from Zerosmoke (zerosmoke.org) bends your ear even further—with a gold-plated earring made of magnets.
Line up the two tiny magnets ($39.95 per set), one on the inside and one on the outside of your ear. The magnets attract each other, creating pressure (like those used in acupressure) on an area of the ear that may govern nicotine craving.
The method arrives just as the FDA is taking a second look at a different tactic for smoking cessation. The agency is studying the Chantix pill, following reports of users’ suicidal thoughts and behavior. It’s unclear whether those problems stemmed from the drug or from nicotine withdrawal, but until Chantix’s safety is established, those taking it should consult their doctors.
Quitting Time
Trying to stop smoking? Ear magnets might work while a pill faces problems.