Interested in taking the daily HIV prevention pill Truvada but not sure where to get a prescription for the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)? Finding a provider just got easy: Visit and type in your ZIP code.

The locator also provides search options for people who are uninsured or looking for assistance.

Created by Emory University in partnership with MAC AIDS Fund, “the Locator seeks to serve as a common repository for information regarding providers and clinics that prescribe PrEP,” according to the website. “The Locator is an open source tool for those who are managing existing directories to share their resources in a common format, so that patients can access a national, integrated PrEP provider location service that includes both public and private practice PrEP providers. Data will be made accessible with open source tools to facilitate patient access through existing organizational websites and mobile apps.”

The current locator includes information from all 50 states in addition to U.S. territories. To create the initial database, staff at Emory retrieved information from state, county and local health departments as well as professional groups and nongovernmental organizations.

Emory staff—under the guidance of Aaron Siegler, PhD, MHS, of Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health, along with a coalition of partners—will work with state and local directories to update the PrEP Locator at least biannually, though some data will be updated more often. In addition, both the general public and providers can suggest additions and updates to the locator’s database. (An “Add Provider” menu appears at the top of the website.)

What’s more, anyone can add the PrEP Locator widget to their website.