15 – United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan announces the launch of the Global Media AIDS Initiative, which aims to get media organizations to expand public knowledge and understanding about HIV and AIDS. (2004)

Kofi Annan

Kofi AnnanWikipedia

24 – Model and jewelry designer Tina chow dies of AIDS-related complications at age 41. Chow spoke publicly about living with HIV and worked with many AIDS organizations, including Project Angel Food in Los Angeles. (1992)

Tina Chow

Tina Chow


3 – Princess Diana visits the pediatric AIDS unit at Harlem Hospital in New York City. (1989) 

Margaret Heagarty, MD, and Princess Diana

Margaret Heagarty, MD, and Princess DianaYouTube

7 – National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day logo

13 – AIDS Healthcare Foundation launches International Condom Day to remind peeople that wearing a condom can prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. (2009)



28 – HIV is Not a Crime Awareness Day

illustration slave breaking chains
