Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is the latest city to join the global “Fast-Track Cities” initiative to end HIV by 2020, reports

Specifically, the global initiative adopts the “90-90-90” goals: getting 90 percent of people living with HIV to know their status, getting 90 percent of that group in care and on medication and then getting 90 percent of that group to reach an undetectable viral load. Zero HIV stigma and discrimination is the fourth and final goal.

Being virally suppressed, also known as being undetectable, results in a longer and healthier life for people with HIV. What’s more, it is virtually impossible for people who are undetectable to sexually transmit the virus to others; this phenomenon is referred to as “treatment as prevention,” or TasP.

Launched in Paris on World AIDS Day 2014, the Fast-Track Cities declaration encourages local action to achieve the 90-90-90 goals by 2020.

Baton Rouge launched the initiative with an HIV summit held on the campus of Baton Rouge Community College and attended by Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome.

According to the Fast-Track Cities website, more than 90 cities across the globe have signed the Paris declaration. Other U.S. cities include:

Atlanta, GA

Baltimore, MD

Birmingham, AL

Boston, MA

Chicago, IL

Denver, CO

Miami, FL

New York City, NY

New Orleans, LA

Oakland, CA

Phoenix, AZ

Providence, RI

San Antonio, TX

San Francisco, CA

Washington, DC