AMA to Pay?
“[Rep. Tom Coburn’s] bill, which has been endorsed by the American Medical Association, calls for mandatory nationwide partner notification, which he estimates would cost $10 million to $20 million a year. But the bill also would make it a felony for someone who knows he’s HIV positive to have unprotected sex.”
—“The Secret Weapon Against AIDS?” Self, August 1998
Idol Gossip
“Now I request that the whole cast—anyone who works on my set—gets HIV tests…, and if they choose not to, that’s as guilty as taking the test and it coming up positive. [People with HIV] shouldn’t be in the adult video industry.”
—Gay-porn star Ryan Idol, Miami’s Weekly News, August 5
1,600,000 PWAs
“Taking into account other modes of [HIV] transmission, homosexuality is negligible and should not take up our resources and time. We have far more pressing areas that affect the majority of our people.”
—Kenyan Health Ministry spokesperson Maina Kahindo, Sapa-Panos news agency, August 14