Interim results from the PROUD study, a British pilot study of Truvada (tenofovir/emtricitabine) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), have shown that the drug has a high efficacy in preventing HIV among high-risk men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgender women, aidsmap reports. Consequently, the participants who were in the arm of the study that deferred administering PrEP have been invited to take Truvada immediately.
The PROUD study is a trial of HIV-negative MSM and transgender women who have reported recent anal sex without a condom. A total of 545 participants were randomized to begin taking PrEP, while another group was assigned to wait a year. Everyone was offered regular testing for HIV and sexually transmitted infections as well as condoms and safer sex support. The study is the only way for individuals to obtain a PrEP prescription in England at the current time.
The goal of PROUD is to determine if it is feasible to conduct a larger study about PrEP’s use among MSM in England, a trial that would answer questions about: the intervention’s efficacy and cost effectiveness; MSM’s interest in the drug, adherence levels and tendency toward riskier behavior on PrEP; and if users of PrEP will run the risk of drug resistance should they contract HIV.
There is no information at this time about exactly how efficacious PrEP was in the PROUD study. Further results will be available in early 2015.
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