Hot On the Trail
In “The Cure Hunter” (July/August 2012), Françoise Barré-Sinoussi (who along with Luc Montagnier discovered HIV in 1983) shared her thoughts on the possibility of a cure for AIDS and what it will take to make it a reality.

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi’s last remark was on the need for innovation, multidisciplinary collaboration and funding. It’s not only about having more money. [The need for] young medical researchers at universities to collaborate with city public health centers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and technology corporations is paramount for a cure. Please write your congressmen and educate them on the formula, not just the money.

Patterson, MO

The United States government is spending billions of dollars building infrastructures in Afghanistan (schools, roads, bridges) that aren’t even being used. Why can’t the United States set aside $1 billion annually for cure research!

Location Withheld

Southern Hospitality
In the article “Rolling in the Deep” (July/August 2012), POZ interviewed filmmaker Lisa Biagiotti about her documentary Deep South. The film sheds light on why the region has not overcome its struggle to break free of AIDS.

This is one of the best articles I’ve read about living in the South with HIV. [I am] an Alabama native [living] with HIV, and this article again brought to light the dichotomy of loving and hating where I’m from.


I lived in the South most of my life and grew up with a lot of loving Southerners. The lack of [access] to education, healing or reconciliation for the poor is heartbreaking.

Frederick Wright
Coachella Valley, CA

Jumping the Gun
In the online article “New Stem Cell Transplant Cases Encouraging, but Cure Buzz May Be Premature,” Tim Horn explained why—despite recent media headlines—it’s too early to use the word “cure” when discussing a presentation by Boston researchers at the XIX International AIDS Conference that focused on two patients living with HIV who underwent bone marrow transplants.

This is exciting news. I hope more becomes of this method. Just imagine the ramifications if it proved to be a successful way to rid the body of the virus! I realize it’s premature, but exciting just the same.

Asheville, NC

It’s too soon to use the word “cure” for these two patients who are still on [antiretroviral therapy]. There was much more caution in the case of Timothy Brown. Encouraging and interesting—but not a cure…yet. Others who have had stem cell transplants in the past have not been cured, so we need to wait for the rest of the evidence. As usual, the doctors are more cautious than (most) media.

Melanie Thompson

Lord I just pray for a second chance at having an HIV-free life. This virus is nothing less than a monster that needs to be destroyed.

Location Withheld

A Positive Hero
In the POZ Staff Blog “Greg Louganis Makes a Splash at London Olympics” (August 3, 2012), Lauren Tuck wrote about the Olympic legend’s appearance on CNN where he discussed the sport of diving, life with HIV and the recent Chick-fil-A controversy.

Greg Louganis is an extraordinary human being. Anyone who views his (infamous) dive in Seoul would be impressed at his courage and sheer determination. Knowing the personal drama he was going through at the time makes it all the more powerful. In 1988, being out was not cool, especially if you’re a sports hero; disclosing his HIV status at that time would have been a professional death knell.

I have no problem with him reminding everyone that having HIV is no picnic. To the throngs of kids out there who don’t even know who he is, that’s an important point to include. Thankfully, he’s healthy and can share his wisdom and leadership.

William Cooke
New York City

Greg is one of those few heroes that continue to inspire millions—gay or straight. To be a world-class athlete of his caliber and have the cojones to come out to a world full of bigotry and closed-mindedness to say that one was HIV positive as well as gay during a time when it wasn’t as easily accepted is a great accomplishment by itself! Kudos to this great human being.

G Force
Location Withheld

I have always admired and followed Greg. He’s my heroic mentor in deportment, character, humor, health, advocacy and character quality. If we had an AIDS Wish Foundation I would totally love [to spend] a day at the beach and have lunch with Greg Louganis. It would be the greatest single dream of my life. I’m so blessed to have followed his career, his happiness and recovery from trauma, and his ability to thrive with dignity. He inspired me to light up my own star and dazzle. I will be ever grateful.

Vancouver, Canada