A screening of “Florent: Queen of the Meat Market,” a documentary film by David Sigal was held on Thursday, June 24 in conjunction with the New York Food Film Festival. The film chronicles the history of the infamous New York City restaurant and its owner, Florent Morellet. Cocktail receptions were held before and after the film and featured selected items from the Florent menu.

Here’s video from the event:

The restaurant was the locale for POZ’s 10th anniversary cover in May 2004.

Read more about this event on the POZ Staff Blog.


Flyer for the film


The evening’s menu


Murray Hill


Murray Hill and Florent Morellet


Dennis Daniel (POZ Staff) and Alison Zack


Penny Arcade performs


DJ Josh Sparber


Dennis Daniel and Tim Murphy


Murray Hill and Dirty Martini


Penny Arcade and Tiger!