President Bush proposes Ryan White CARE Act budget. Congress approves ($2.06 billion in 2006), sends to Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) HIV/AIDS Bureau.
Deborah Parham Hopson, HIV/AIDS administrator at HHS, splits up budget funds among Ryan White titles.
In our example, Illinois Title II money ($36,322,297 in 2006) goes to the state department of health (IDPH); William Moran administers Ryan White Title II there.
Based on budget requests from ten subcontracting regions in the state, the IDPH carves up the Title II funds and issues budgets.
In one region, the Winnebago consortium, the budget goes to the Winnebago County Heath Department in Rockford, headed by Todd Kisner.
Winnebago’s 18 contractors include Shelton Kay’s Crusader Clinic Association ($113,159 from Title II in 2006) in Rockford, which offers lab work and dental, optical and nutritional services. It also gets Title III funds from HRSA.
A person living with HIV/AIDS in Rockford gets services. Reimbursement billing backtracks through the entire process.
A Ryan White Scorecard
A playbill for catching those trickle-down dollars