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TimmyTom, I've said elsewhere that a person with HIV who is undetectable should be much sought after because he / she is safer to go with than someone untested. So, if someone who is HIV+ and undetectable were inform me of their status or not is ok with me. And the law ought to be sensible and see this too. What bothers me is people with HIV who know and are not on treatment who don't tell, and people who have herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis or any other STI/D who know they have it but don't tell.

September 12, 2019 UK


I wonder about the state and federal laws of the US with the new U=U? If you do not tell they are POZ before hand can and will a person still be put in prison for it, if found guilty of not disclosing it ? What about those that have been put into prison for it and at the time where undetectable will they be released? I do hope at some point law and medicine will get on the same page.

August 27, 2019 USA

POZ Staff

U=U refers to Undetectable Equals Untransmittable, which is discussed throughout the Q&A

August 20, 2019


If you have something in the headline, such as "U=U 2.0," why is there no mention of it in the very brief article and Q&A? It makes no sense. Please explain...

August 20, 2019


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