Two separate AIDS bike rides raised a combined total of nearly $2 million for HIV services in New York City. The Cycle for the Cause ride (#C4C2022) raised over $1.6 million for HIV and AIDS services at the LGBT Community Center in Manhattan, while the Braking AIDS (#BrakingAIDSRide2022) brought in over $350,000 to support Housing Works, which fights the dual epidemics of HIV and homelessness.

Nearly 350 Cycle for the Cause riders trekked from Boston to New York—275 miles over three days, from September 16 to 18, marking the first time since 2019 that the event was held in person. (Virtual versions of the fundraiser took place the past two years because of COVID-19 precautions.)

“LGBTQ+ and HIV-positive communities have a long history of mobilizing to support one another in times of crisis. We continue to do so today, as we bear the weight of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and fight back against the emergence of [monkeypox]. This makes The Center’s services all the more important,” said Glennda Testone, The Center’s executive director, in a press release about the ride. “Cycle for the Cause will ensure we are able to assist our community with vital needs, such as getting tested, enrolling in health insurance, caring for their mental health and finding housing.”

“While we are making progress in the fight to end AIDS, serious disparities still exist—and that’s where The Center focuses our work. For example, Black and Latinx communities in New York City continue to see higher HIV diagnosis rates, with less access to support and medical care. And LGBTQ+ people, people of color and low-income communities experience more barriers to accessing health care overall,” added Natasha Jones, The Center’s senior director of community programs. “We’re committed to being a resource for these groups in particular, with connections to high-quality medical care, prevention methods and holistic support.”

Meanwhile, the Braking AIDS Ride drew over 150 cyclists and crew on September 11 for a one-day, 80-mile ride from Fishkill, New York, along the Hudson Valley, to New York City.

In related news from this year, see “Red Ribbon Ride Wraps Up Amid an HIV Outbreak in the Twin Cities [VIDEO]” and “AIDS/LifeCycle Ride Breaks Fundraising Record After Two-Year Hiatus.” To read more about efforts to support HIV services, click #Fundraiser. You’ll learn about Dining Out For Life, Broadways Bares and more.