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U.K. Pastors' HIV Prayer &#8220;Cure&#8221; Causes 3 Deaths

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Frederick Wright

This is a very interesting topic on Prayer. And very sad on the deaths of these 3 people for some Christians like my self believe that death is one of the most beautiful transformations that all must experience. I for one believe in the power of prayer and meditation( repeating over and over "God's Love for me" for it stops the HIV stima in my mind, as I go to the great Advocate,I call Jesus. I would not know how to move forward with Joy and Happiness or true prosperi ty my without my Faith.

April 25, 2012 Plam Desert

Nicole Therese Seguin

I have been HIV positive for 6 years I prayed to God to heal me and to me He blessed me with lifesaving antiretrovirals ! I take my medicine everyday and keep praying for a cure!

December 15, 2011 Detroit, MI


Been praying to God since i found out i was poz 33 years ago and i am still poz. Jesus does cure if Our Father allows it to glorify Him. I am the cure because Christ is in me and i still take my meds. Take your meds or don't but a pastors prayer cannot kill folks because he ain't God.

November 5, 2011 seattle


Ignorance is no defense, after a pastor claims you are healed, you ought to take medical check and confirm this claim. it is not a lack of faith, but an exercise of wisdom which God has given us all. The bible says, my people perish for lack of knowledge, hence when we lack wisdom he also expects us to ask. I don't think we need to blame the pastor here, but a lack of wisdom on our part.

October 20, 2011 Nairobi


I was in Palm Springs a couple years back, and a 'doctor' there gave a talk about quitting meds and taking vitamins, which he of course was peddling. People believe things if they are not fully informed and don't take the time ask their health care professionals.

October 20, 2011 Gary Indiana


Why dont they print the Names of these snake oil christian leaders,see how prayer can help them after the world knows who they are.they Print the names in any other crime,This I consider a crime against humanity.When will the insanity of this religeous propoganda,fear mongering end.

October 20, 2011 charlotte NC.

J. Combs

Well, I'm not sure what's worse, having Christian Pastor's" deceive them like that. Or, to get phone calls from "Christian Pastor's" telling you and your infected family should die.

October 20, 2011 Gaithersburg, MD


Faith is one thing; murder is another. These pastors' and any other person who "convinces" a person receiving scientifically proven treatment to keep HIV at bay, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law - albeit domestic or international!

October 20, 2011 Chicago


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